
Post 1: Girl Can’t Help It

The musical comedy “The Girl Can’t Help It” contains many different shot scales throughout the film. These different types of shot scales can drastically change a scene and add emotion. These shot scales can also emphasize a picture or character on the screen. The character of Jerri Jordan is seen in many different types of shot scales throughout the movie. Jerri Jordan, played by Jayne Mansfield, is a very important character in the film.

The first time we see Jerri Jordan on screen is in a long shot. A long shot includes the full body of the actor. In this scene we see Jerri Jordan appear from behind a door. She is dressed in a long white gown and a large white fur stole. This shot is used to emphasize not only her body but her beauty. Her overpowering beauty is a common theme throughout the film and this first shot is used to emphasize this and introduce the audience to Jerri Jordan.

Later in the film Jerri Jordan is taken to a night club, to help her “build-up” to stardom. She is told by her new agent to walk to the powder room to receive attention from the owner of the club. We watch Jerri Jordan walk past the owner in a medium long shot. A medium long shot shows about five feet of the characters, so we see from Jerri’s knees and up. This shot shows not only Jerri Jordan in her tight red gown, but it also shows the owners reaction as she struts past. This medium long shot was used to emphasize the effect Jerri Jordan can have on men. This shot also shows how perfectly Jerri Jordan fits in the environment. Jerri doesn’t look out of place at all in this fancy night club. This shot emphasizes how Jerri Jordan’s look would thrive in the spotlight.

Towards the close of the movie Jerri Jordan has to perform on stage for a crowd. Before entering the stage, she has to say goodbye to the man she loves. While she is on stage singing, there is a medium close up on her. A medium close up is a shot from the chest up. This was used to show the extreme emotions Jerri is feeling at this time. This scale shot was used to emphasize her emotions and the pain she is experiencing from saying goodbye. This shot was not used to emphasize her body, but her face. In this shot we are focusing on Jerri’s vulnerability and thoughts rather than her body. All of these shots help develop the film’s narrative and characters. 

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